Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week 22

Baby's Development This Week:

-  Lanugo
-  The pancreas

What to add to your menu this week:

-  Keep your balanced diet
-  Did you take your prenatal pill today?
Have you been gaining weight? Every pregnant woman gains a little differently. It is good to keep track of what your body is doing. Sudden weight gain or loss can indicate serious health problems and should be reported to your doctor, especially if accompanied by swelling, dizziness, confusion, or fever. has a neat little pregnancy weight gain calculator that helps you see if  you are more or less "on track" with your weight. Again, every woman is different. This is more of an intriguing reference than a strict rule. It will give you a target weight ranges and tell you about how many pounds you would gain per week for the rest of the pregnancy. Here is an example:'

Pre - Pregnancy Weight Stats
Weight118 lbs.
Height5 ft. 2 in.
Body Mass Index21.6
Current Weight Stats
Weight129 lbs.
Weeks Pregnant27
Total Weight Gained11 lbs.
Carrying Twins?No

Where Do I Stand With My 11 lb Weight Gain?

Based on your pre-pregnancy weight of 118 lbs., we calculated your BMI to be 21.6, which is considered average according to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. This information is important because BMI is how it is determined how much weight you should gain during pregnancy. This week you should weigh between:
132 and 137 lbs
You are 3 pounds under the lower end of of your target weight range. During your first trimester, you should gain between 2 and 4 lbs. Thereafter, you should be gaining between 0.85 and 1.1 lbs. per week until the end of your pregnancy.
At full term (40 weeks pregnant) you should weigh between:
143 and 153 lbs
Total Target Weight Gain: 25 to 35 lbs.

Weight Gain Advice

Try to be conscious of how many calories you are taking in each day. During pregnancy, the average woman needs an extra 300 calories per day (600 if carrying twins). If a woman eats less than she needs, she may not gain the recommended weight needed in order for her baby to develop and grow. Please mention this to your doctor at your next visit and see if he/she can help you achieve a healthy weight gain.